My home

duration 12 min | year of production 2022

a film piece by Azar Saiyar 
sound design and voiceover by Kaino Wennerstrand
cinematography Joonas Kiviharju & Azar Saiyar
online & color grading Joonas Kiviharju
script advisor Mariliis Rebane
performers Aran Saiyar, Dunja Saiyar 

“A bee stung me on my finger. It happened yesterday in the yard of a kindergarten, even though I am not in kindergarten anymore.” Fragmented memories of childhood and adulthood blend together in a song that an unknown narrator is humming. In a sixties TV show children are learning a new game. Someone is waiting in the hallway for a permission to re-enter the classroom. Everything is set. Everything is nailed down.

International Festival Premiere: Berlinale Forum Expanded 2022